To be a woman – an interview with Viola Spiechowicz fashion designer

New Year always brings resolutions that we’ll drop all those extra kilograms gained during Christmas. Ladies, be good for yourselves this year and before rushing to the gyms and swimming pools, read what Viola Spiechowicz will show in the season of spring and summer 2009, which of her clients she considers as the biggest challenge, and what makes a woman attractive.

How come your brand Odzieżowe Pole was more famous abroad than in Poland?

VS: I guess when I was creating the brand, it was popular mostly in Poland, as well as among foreigners staying there at that time. Thanks to them my designs had a chance to appear abroad. Nevertheless, without building a solid base here, it wouldn’t be possible. 

Why did you decide to create the brand signed with your own name?

VS: Having spent 13 years on creating the brand, I decided to leave “Odziezowe Pole”. After a short pause taken from acting on a wider scale, I wasn’t ready to build a completely new brand, therefore designing under my own name seemed to be the simplest and the most appropriate idea to follow. 

What does inspire you in making your projects?

VS: Fortunately, everything inspires me, even sadness, which sometimes comes over me (laugh). I don’t have to explore new lands to work something out. It’s enough to have dreams.

Apart from beautiful lines and characteristic details, your projects stand out thanks to exceptional fabrics. How do you get them? Which ones do you find especially nice to work with?

VS:I look for them in different places and usually pick up those that are  inconspicuous. I feel they may fully bloom in a project. Sometimes I submit the chosen fabrics to particular processing like corrugating, pinching or extreme decatisation.

Which stage of designing is the most satisfactory for you? Is it drawing, choosing fabrics, watching the collection on a catwalk?

VS: For me, the most exciting thing is observing the actual clothes construction arising from a project, which is in other words, a phase of emerging a model from conception. It’s a moment of making sure if the idea makes sense. If it proves right, I feel an unbridled joy (laugh).

Apart from projecting clothes, you also create image and design costumes. Which of these gives you the most possible satisfaction?

VS: I love to see peoples’ joy. I like being aware that I’ve managed to create something new – a thing which is specific to me and that works successfully in a planned context.

You work with well known actresses, singers, TV presenters – which of your clients is your biggest source of inspiration?

VS: I am a friend with Natalia Kukulska and we’ve cooperated for many years. Sometimes her expectations go far beyond of what I’m actually working on. I’d rather she entirely relied on me, but she always suggests some new ideas. After an initial stage of my rebellion, Natalia always gets out from me things that I wouldn’t be able to invent without her input.

Observing the variety of styles in your line of business, it seems that literally everything is in fashion. What kind of trends are now leading in the world of fashion?

VS: It’s a topic I’m not particularly keen on discussing. Knowledge on trends is the domain of fashion journalists. They follow all the shows, analyse and draw conclusions. A designer even finds the excess of the formation about fashion a bit distracting. I’ve noticed that musicians also listen to very limited repertoire trying to focus on their own work. Sensing the trends intuitively is much more interesting.

The world is being overwhelmed by globalisation. The country borders are blurring, moving from one place to another is much easier. Do you think it affects the trends in fashion?

VS: They are affected by all that surrounds us, and globalisation makes us prone to the similar processes. Hence, the products we make are more and more alike. It’s good that the information can now be quickly conveyed and that the world has became commonly accessible, but in my opinion, we must protect individuality. The same data that concerns our reality creates a similar image in different minds, but its interpretation is manifold. That may cause problems in case of political or social matters, but as far as the various interpretations of fine arts phenomenon is concerned, it’s definitely an advantage.

Fashion is mainly a feminine domain. What in your opinion characterises an attractive woman?

VS: An alluring woman consists of features, only part of which is related to her appearance. The attributes belonging to the intellectual, psychological or spiritual field are more difficult to correct. On the other hand, skilfully applied knowledge on the manner of wearing clothes, their ability of emphasizing values or simply their expression, may definitely increase attractiveness.

What novelties will the spring-summer 2009 bring?

VS: As for me, a flood of bamboo, cotton and silk jersey. I seek for new ways of giving the final touches based on experimenting with fabrics – I use unusual ways of processing jersey. I think the collection will be distinctive by drapery and wildness of colours.

Thank you very much for your time and I wish you fascinating inspirations in 2009.

Joanna Gulbinska

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