A Funny Valentine at Curve

Writer and performer Mike Maran tells the story of great jazz sensation Chet Baker over the bank holiday weekend at Curve.

Weaving a tale of mesmeric power Maran has created a rhythmic rollercoaster into the desolate, desperate, drug-addicted world of American jazz trumpeter Chet Baker. Set in the small Italian town of Lucca, the tale goes from a blood-spattered bathroom to an Italian prison through to the back streets of Amsterdam, in this tale of Baker’s life.

The story is underscored by the haunting music Baker created from the American songbook, including: “I Fall In Love Too Easily”, “Someone To Watch Over Me” and of course, “My Funny Valentine”. These classic jazz numbers are played by Colin Steele (trumpet) and Robert Pettigrew (piano). Steele has an international reputation as a jazz musician and his album Journey Home was voted BBC Jazz CD of the year in 2004. Pettigrew is a superb pianist with a distinguished CV as both an accompanist, band member and jazz soloist.

Mike Maran is probably best known for his acclaimed production of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, which visited Curve as part of events to test the new building in 2008. The production is directed by The Nuffield Theatre’s Artistic Director, Patrick Sandford.

The Story and Music of Chet Baker
Friday 30 April & Saturday 1 May
By Mike Maran

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