Gazpacho at Karuzela in Warsaw

This time, the promo tour of the newest album from the Norwegian band Gazpacho started in Poland. A part of the songs were performed by the band live for the very first time, and came from the album  „Molok” and made the audience craving more.

Along with the newest songs  „Algorithm”, „Park Bench”, „Choir of Ancestors” and „Know Your Time”, Gazpacho did not forget about their earlier repertoire. That night the enchanted fans could also listen to the songs taken from „March of Ghosts”, „Tick Tock”, „Missa Atropos”. Also, a debut performance of „Death Room” coming from the „Demon” album.

Although the gig was delayed for 90 minutes, the Norwegians, as usual, were received passionately by their Polish fans, who remained hypnotized long after the almost a two-hour show. Let’s go back to Gazpacho performed at Karuzela in Warsaw.


Gazpacho, 24.10.2015 Warsaw, Karuzela



Photos: Janusz Miękus

Facebook fan page
Official: Gazpacho

A special thank you for Rob Palmen and Bart Jan for their precious help.

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