Diwali lights switch-on takes place on 4 October

Diwali lights switch-on ceremony will take place on Leicester’s Belgrave Road, on Sunday 4th October from 6pm. Belgrave Road will be closed to traffic from 5.30pm. It will re-open at 9.30pm.

The Lord Mayor of Leicester Cllr Roger Blackmore will join Maganbhai D. Patel of the Leicester Hindu Festival Council, Simon Lloyd, group HR director of Alliance and Leicester on stage for the ceremony.

Local dancers will get the ceremony underway with a feast of Indian dance, from classical to Bollywood, before the lights are turned on at 7.30pm.

After the light switch-on the focus will move from Belgrave Road to Cossington Street Recreation Ground, which will host a firework and laser display from 8pm.

The display, which is created and put up by the city council, features more than 1000 metres of light displays, made up of 6,500 lamps.

Leicester’s Diwali celebrations are organised by Leicester City Council and Leicester Hindu Festival Council. Alliance & Leicester is sponsoring the Diwali festival for the seventh consecutive year.
Full details of all of Leicester’s Diwali celebrations are on the city council’s website at www.leicester.gov.uk/diwali .


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