Francesco Seminara “Momenti”

It seems that nowadays too many casual things of our life are shown to everybody but at the same time  important words too often are left unsaid. So, true sincerity and heartfelt emotions are really priceless. Listening to the album of young Italian singer Francesco Seminara you can’t stop thinking about that. It feels like something very intimate and delicate is said by simple lyrics and lovely melodies. Actually much more could be revealed by songs because it’s easier for a sensitive soul to be opened by special musical way.

 Album is called “Momenti” and it’s clear from the very beginning what was the greatest inspiration for writing it. It’s just life with its ups and downs, feelings and dreams, thoughts and doubts, life as series of a little moments – past, upcoming and happening right now… Any of them will never come back so it needs sometimes to slow down and feel the life with its tiny beautiful details.

Sure, the songs were written in different situations, happy or rainy days of life but nevertheless entire album is full of light and warmth. It sounds very positive although has some shades of gentle sadness. Each of 8 songs tells another story, brings its own mood to complete the whole “image” of the album.

Easy but pretty catchy melodies, touching meaningful lyrics and nice soft vocals make together wonderful impression. The features like these are always appreciated so, the songs probably will not lose their value for a long time. This guy has everything to get his loyal fast growing audience.

The minutes spent with Seminara’s “Momenti” would be really a perfect chance to forget for a while about daily rush and stress and to dive into the atmosphere of good soulful music.

(Olga Burlaka @ Lviv Rock Highlights)

Francesco Seminara - Momenti


1. Domani
2. Jeri
3. La Mia Vita e Un Motel
4. Mai Mai Mai
5. Non Lo So
6. Senza Vento
7. So Vivere
8. Vivi Adesso

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