Manhattan by Woody Allen

I adore New York City and I am too romantic about Manhattan to start this film review column with anything else but Allen’s Manhattan. Classic and absolute masterpiece. The plot of this movie is as complex as the concrete jungle of Manhattan skyscrapers so try not to analyse all the relationships when watching the movie for the first time. Otherwise the artistic impression might be missed and not fully appreciated.

Starring: Woody Allen, Meryl Streep, Diane Keaton, Michael Murphy, Mariel Hemingway

Life of New Yorkers is presented in an intriguing and ironic way. Apart from complicated and unhappy relationships, they spend most of the time in art galleries, museums or restaurants discussing latest social events. The movie is full of comprehensive conversations and controversial comments provided by the Master himself. Definitely recommended to feel how friendly the City that never sleeps can be for visitors who seek intellectual attractions.

Manhattan is Allen’s absolute confession of his love to NYC. Black and white picture, Gershwin’s music and close captures make viewers feel intimately close to all of the ongoing affairs. I my case, it all makes want to comeback to it endlessly and reanimate all memories…

Sutton Place 26 years after Isaac and Mary enjoyed their discussion about his book sitting on the bench by the East River.

Joanna Gulbińska

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